Wednesday, June 27, 2007

So It Comes Down to This. . . . . .

A Blog

There are a lot of reasons for a writer to start blogging. I might as well enumerate mine:

1) It gives you something to do when the screen is blank, and sometimes a jump start is a good thing.

2) One needs a place to air out random thoughts, and writing it down on a blog is better than muttering to yourself in public.

3) When my books start getting an audience, someone might have reason to drop me a line or make a comment, or tell me "I suck".

4) Writing is very solitary, and sometimes one needs to understand that there is a world beyond the computer screen.

Allow me to introduce myself, I am C. Scott Saylors, I live in Oklahoma City wit a duet of black cats, an aging dog, my wife and daughters. Though Empty Nest Syndrome is rearing its ugly head. My older daughter is residing at home for conveinence sake--she's a teacher in the public school system. My younger daughter just turned 18 and is attending university in a nearby town come August. She's on enough of a free ride to live in the dorm and it's no money out of our pockets for her to do so.

I write speculative fiction--mostly hard science fiction like Sword of the Dajjal, or Ganton's Gauntlets (working title) a book I'm currently writing with a friend of mine from California.
Coming out in january is an erotic paranormal thriller called Jars of Doom. This is a tale about an aging archeologist who actually finds a Djinn Bottle, and the repercussions of his duel of three wishes. This one is strictly for the over eighteen audience, be warned.

For those of you who might like to check out the books so far:
Sword of the Dajjal, ISBN: 978-1-602-052-2 is available as an e-book from
Also from FictionWise and the other e-book distributors on line

Jars of Doom will be out January, 2008 from Champagne Books in e-book and print ISBN: 978-1-897445-04-4

Ganton's Gauntlets is still in first draft, I'll post about it as it comes to completing it.

Sequels to Jars of Doom and Sword of the Dajjal are also underway at this time, so that will give me something else to talk about here.

Good reading to all--talk to you later, Scott

1 comment:

Ciara Gold said...

Whoo hoo! You've made the first step in promoting early. I wish you tons of success with the blog and your new book.